
AP Plasma equipment series  

PLAZMARK introduction video-Plasma visualization tool Plasma indicator

Sakura Color Products Corporation of Japan has launched a plasma concentration sensing film called “PLAZMARK”. This film allows you to see plasma concentration at a glance through color gradation changes,enhancingproduction efficiency.
“Plasma Indicator” is to utilize a functional color material to visualize the degree of plasma treatment through radical or ion reactions, color will change from dark to light, sequentially from grey-purple, dark green to light green, gradually changing with each plasma intensity.

Plasma Concentration Sensing Film Sakura Color Products Corporation of Japan has launched a plasma concentration sensing film called “PLAZMARK”. This film allows you to see plasma concentration at a glance through color gradation changes, enhancing production efficiency. SEISAKU OSHIRO, department manager of Sakura PI, explained that the concept of the “Plasma Indicator” is to utilize a functional color material to visualize the degree of plasma treatment through radical or ion reactions, making it easier to read. The color will change from dark to light, sequentially from grey-purple, dark green to light green, gradually changing with each plasma intensity.
Atmospheric Plasmais an authorized sales agent for Sakura Color Products Corporation’s plasma concentration sensing film. Please contact us for detailed purchase details.

PLAZMARK introduction video-Plasma visualization tool Plasma indicator

Sakura Color Products Corporation of Japan has launched a plasma concentration sensing film called “PLAZMARK”. This film allows you to see plasma concentration at a glance through color gradation changes, enhancing production efficiency.

“Plasma Indicator” is to utilize a functional color material to visualize the degree of plasma treatment through radical or ion reactions, color will change from dark to light, sequentially from grey-purple, dark green to light green, gradually changing with each plasma intensity.